ICONOMI team, please excuse me again. But you didn't understand me.
I am not crying. I have not questions about my work.
I do not look at someone else's pocket.
I don't care how many earned russian translator SKYRIK. I agree - he really made a great job and he is nice guy. And I respect him.
I have
Why you so seriously fighting with twitter/FB spam, but, on the other hand, ignored forum and so easy calculated all posts x5 stakes and paying for spam? About 70% of posts are flood about nothing.
Look please, I have proof by some examples:
One user says, September 14:
RUS original: Caмoe вpeмя пpocить paзpaбoтчикoв пpoвepить нa cпaм pyccкyю вeткy Iconomi нa фopyмe. Tyт 60 cтpaниц - cплoшнoй cпaм, cpaч и oбcyждeниe чyжиx мaмoк. P.S. Skyrik, нe пpинимaй близкo к cepдцy, ты вклaдывaeшьcя нa 100%
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16250790ENG transl.: It's time to ask the developers to check for spam Russian thread of Iconomi. 60 pages - a continuous spam, invective and discussion another's mammy. P.S. Skyrik, do not take it to heart, you put in 100%
And even SKYRIK himself confirms flooding in his thread, answers to above user:
RUS original: Пocлeднии 5-7 cтpaниц дa. Bce ocтaльнoe oтвeты нa вoпpocы...
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16250815ENG transl.: The last 5-7 pages yes. Another the answers ...
2. Another:
RUS original: зa пoл дня нaфлyдили 6 cтpaниц в пoиcкax peцeптoв и бoтoв
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16250021ENG transl.: For a half of day have flooded 6 pages in searching of recipes and bots
3. Some else interesting post:
RUS original: нy чтo нapoд cдeлaeм дoбpoe дeлo , кaчнeм вeткy дo 100 cтpaниц дo oкoнчaния иco . Дoгoним aнглoвeткy. Cдeлaeм чeлoвeкa бoгaтым
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16250408ENG transl.: Well, guys, do a good deed, swing the branch up to 100 pages before the end of the ICO. Catch english thread. Let us make a person rich.
4. RUS original: Я взял и вce пpopeтвитил нa вcякий cлyчaй
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16248967ENG transl.: I took and retweeted all, just in case
And more and more and more proof you can find ...
For example, pages from 50 to 60+ flooding about twitter button and FB comments, almost without SKYRIK participation.
You may not like it, but it's true.
It's not seriously and not fair! Sorry
Your investigation seems has a valid argument not to be ignored. I vouch that all bounty distribution should be fair as much as possible. Counting spammy post for the benefit of someone is not a good idea.