What are about tokens? Are EzyStayz tokens (EZT) ERC-20 compatible?
Yes, EzyStayz tokens (EZT) are ERC-20 compatible. Users must have an ERC-20 compatible wallet such as myetherwallet.comto receive their EzyStayz tokens. Tokens will be distributed after the purchase.
Another AirBnB Blockchain??
EzyStayz expands on the popular AirBnb model but uses blockchain technology to make one step forward and strengthen the functionality, reduce costs and established networks that are helpful in exploiting opportunities of a growing demand in the sector.
Is there a marketing plan done up?
A business is as successful as its marketing. EzyStayz will optimize its marketing strategy for each target audience and use case. Here are some of our strategies to protect our strategic advantage: Word-of-Mouth, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), The EzyStayz website. More information about our marketing strategy can be found in our Whitepaper.