TreasureSeeker , I have change the value to +0.00000116 because I have indeed a very low rate at this time.
Only after a little 5 hours of mining i'dont receive coins.
But the mining tool give me a positive feedback for mining.
At this time I have run 2 systems with a total of 15KH/s and have about accept a couple 100 of shares but nothing is coming in.
Is there a problem that after a few hours something stops?
djdive, I think you're getting confused between real shares (the ones you get paid for) and your miner reporting successses in finding psuedo-shares of your chosen psuedo-share difficulty.
Real share difficulty (the ones you get paid for) has risen from 0.184 when I posted yesterday to is 0.274 currently. Let's say an average of 0.229 over he last 24 hours or thereabouts.
In 5 hours of mining it would be very highly unlikely for you to to have have found 100 real shares of 0.229 difficulty at your hashrate of 15h/s. Indeed, according to the Infinitecoin calculator at it would have likely taken around 0.76 days (or just over 18 hours) of constant mining for you to find one single share on average (this can vary depending on your luck).
What you are seeing as "accepted" on your miner are pseudo-shares of your chosen psuedo-share difficulty. You don't get paid for these low difficulty psuedo-shares. You only start to receive a run of payments after you've solved a real share (currently 0.274 difficulty). There's more information about Psuedo-shares on the biitcoin p2pool wiki at Why does my miner say it has found a lot of shares but p2pool say I have only found a few?!
A: The real P2Pool difficulty is hundreds of times higher than on normal pools, but p2pool essentially lies to your miner and tells it to work on relatively easy shares so that it submits shares every few seconds instead of every few hours. P2Pool then ignores any submitted shares that don't match the real share difficulty. By doing this, P2Pool can more accurately report your local hash rate and you can see if you are having problems with too many stale shares quickly
orion94, can you give me the exact command or settings that you're using for mining, and the hashrate that your miner is reporting, as your graph only shows short spikes, which isn't giving much information to help me answer your query.
deathmedic, looking at the BS (best share you've ever found) on your bfgminer output, 326 looks incorrect. bondi probably has the right need to use --scrypt in your command when starting bfgminer. This will get it scrypt-hashing (the correct type of hashing for Infinitecoin) otherwise it'll just be sha-256 hashing (not correct for Infinitecoin but good for Bitcoin). This is probably why I can't see anything on the graphs page for your Infinitcoin address and why you're not getting payouts - p2pool isn't detecting correct hashing from you.
You need a command that goes something like:
bfgminer --scrypt --intensity 5 -o -u iFcXs5h2XyDWfAeaTnKjkcz1ZWvWAVwyoj+SELECTEDPSUEDOSHAREDIFFICULTY -p x
Replace the "5" intensity with whatever intensity you wish.
Replace SELECTEDPSUEDOSHAREDIFFICULTY with an appropriate number from the first post in this thread, depending on your hashrate.
On Windows you can put the command in a text file, name it TreasureQuarryIFCMining.bat (or a name of your choosing), then any time you want to mine you can just double click on the file and you'll be mining away happily!