This is contact jinbi :
- Email : [email protected]
- Phone : + 44 (0) 203-917-4157
Why not contact directly Jinbi (for those who are curious)
Curious about what jinbi is doing now, why there is no latest news for the community, and other question.
if that's important.
i think that send an email cost nothing.
I will send one asap and i will tell you if i will have an answer.
I'm hoping that You will get a constructive answer, good luck
sadly, until now i haven't received a reply.
But i think that maybe i have to wait 1 or 2 more weeks before thinks that they will not answer me.
I'll let you know
there is no phone answer too, I've tried to call them, noone is picking the phone
try the switchboard of their serviced office:
ask if they are still there or not