I want to understand the economic component of your project. How can investors profit from investments in your project?
Considering the potential drivers for the token price, we strongly believe this is a sound investment:
- Size of the metals and mining industry approx $680bn
- Partnerships: Karuschain and MineRP. MineRP are the world's largest enterprise mining software firm with over 200 employees on 5 continents. We have completed our proof of technology and 2020 will be integrating our technology into their architecture
- Team: Karuschain has over 270 years of industry experience driving the project
- Government regulation: increasing compliance and regulation continues to drive adoption of newer technologies that aid auditability, compliance and data integrity
- C-suite of mining operations increasing awareness and desire to adopt technology like blockchain that will decrease costs, provide better governance and reporting, data analysis.
we believe the above-mentioned points will drive the token price significantly.
Today I want to register in the white list. What is the minimum and maximum purchase of KRS tokens?
No minimum investment for Public Initial Exchange Offering Sale Contributors
What do you intend to do to increase the price of the token?
Do you have a specific plan?
Stay tuned, we will soon provide our tokenomics overview which will provide some insight into the future value of the token
How many tokens are allocated to your team?
The main buyers of tokens will be gold buyers or mining companies?
The main purchasers of our product (private enterprise blockchain solution) are miners but then this will extend to the entire mining supply chain (refiners, smelters etc)