- KickCoin (KC) Contract Address: 0xc0e4f45b828aa4aa628e897e5da38d9dc72c2257 Token Decimals: 8
- KickCoin (KICK) Contract Address: 0x27695e09149adc738a978e9a678f99e4c39e9eb9 Token Decimals: 8
SWAP? Solution?
Yes there was a token swap recently. KICK is the now the valid token, KC has become obsolete.
THX, How can I accomplish the swap?
I believe you don't have to do anything. You already got the new coins, simply use the new ones, all old coins are not worth anything anymore.
The coins are loss? Or swap the old automatically? I don't receive the same amount in new coins...
I guess you have more KICK coin than KC. And it is because they give %2-3 bounty to holders. This is why your amounts are not same