We are pleased to announce that KONJUNGATE swaped to the new chain. PLEASE download the new WALLET. But KEEP YOUR OLD WALLET till you swaped the coins!
THIS IS A MONDATORY release which everyone needs to perform before 16.10.2019 to get on the new chain.
After this date we will shoot down the old chain!!
Donload the new wallet at:
SWAP INSTRUCTIONSWe will change coins 1:1
What we need from you for the SWAP:
Fill out the Form provided on our official Website and follow the steps shown there:
https://www.konjungate.net/swap-form/PLEASE KEEP IN MIND… THIS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL LINK FOR THE SWAP!
Official Swap Address is:
Do not send coins anywhere else!
Blockexplorerour new blockexplorer is here:
Thanks for supporting KONJUNGATE!