I've notices this coin in November when it had shown significant value increase. However, I still see no advantages of this coin over other available on exchanges.
well, in that I can not trace how much you have in the wallet, it takes all the advantages of the cryptonight algorithm, it is impossible to trace transactions and etc. OUT THAT IS ASICS RESISTANT.
Not really anymore.
ASIC for cryptonight algo is in store: Baikal Giant-N
http://www.baikalminer.com.img.800cdn.com/img12/c.jpgPrice at 3600 usd/pc
who told you to sell this coin and any other coin on January 09, 2018, 03:42:31 PM?
Price on January 09, 2018 was
1.74 USD.
Today Karbo is trading for
0.66 USD.
I wrote:
"I would recommend to SELL any so called cryptocurrencyAn article you must read:
source: c n b c . com/2018/01/09/bitcoin-fascinating-because-of-risk-taking-fund-manager-says.html
"Ultimately, they have an intrinsic value of zero, and people are willing to change their careers, they're willing to speculate… If you go out to a group of people now where there are more than two or three people present, bitcoin comes up and they ask all of us what's happening with bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency."
I never bought any cryptocurrency and
as a nonbiased financial expert I would recommend ANYBODY who owns any kind of cryptocurrency to SELL immediately.The bitcoin bubble is bursting right now and every single cryptocurrency will soon be
WORTHLESS because its
intrinsic value = 0.
And NOW ASICS will mine huge amounts of your cryptonight algo units. Oh oh oh.
Thats a great way to decentralize the network much better. Oh.
Yes, its not. Ooops.
But anyway: The whole crypto story does not make any sense if you cannot find a fool who pays you more than you did for something you cannot really use or that will be likely soon illegal to use - if you ask me.
Do you really think that the secret services on this world will tolerate an anonymously method of payment?
Not even I am so naive to believe that. Any information is traceable. The FBI and FSB are observing cryptocurrency transactions with high priority. You cannot even imagine what they already know today. And please, do not try to be smarter than these organisations. This will probably fail. But its your decision.
Regards, your Karbonator
ps: The members of Baikal team only accept ... I am quoting ... "Currently Only accept payment by USD dollar now."
Just think
WHY a solid business only wants to get paid with USD and not with the outcome of the product
they sell to you.
Monero is forking .... whatever this means .... maybe also a solution for Karbo ... but who cares ...