In addition to what you just said, it is already given than will really become successful in the end. If all the supporters or investors of this project will continue to spread out the good they have, as long as Users can become Helpers if they have many high-quality reviews or else Helper may lose their position if there are many poor-quality.
In connection with "Helpers"-for the procedure for common users to become one, I wonder was it after reaching the specific level of quality reviews they made can they sign-up with Lina Review to get promoted?
The wp has a lot of holes right now, questions that would only be answered once the platform has been launched. Since the website is very "user-oriented", there is a possibility that that part would depend on the "user-configuration".
This will be a successful project if they can execute it well and with standard. Reviews nowadays is prerequsite before any purchase. Big or small purchase they consult the review first just like what I always do.
True enough that reviews are vital in making a decision before we buy a certain product or avail services. Most of the time, I look for quality reviews if I want to travel or buy some stuff on the internet. The success of every project was based on needs so I agree that this will be a successful one.