Hey Guys,
i got a little problem and would really appreciate it if someone could help!
I got my Wallet running, Synced, LCP Coins on it, connections established, encrypted and unlocked.
Everything seems fine, but in the lower right corner "when Mouse over" it says: " Not staking because you dont have mature Coins"
Did i missed something to do? And what does it mean, "mature Coins"?
Thanks for you Help in Advance!
Best Regards!
good question.
the coins have to mature (coin age) for about 24 hours - it is suppose to be 6, but most the time it takes 24.
once they are old enough - the arrow in the bottom right corner will turn green, letting you know it is trying to stake.
once it stakes, and the reward is confirmed - you will have new blocks, and they have to wait untill they are old enough.
note: when the block of coins stake - it is split into two new blocks.
eventually, the blocks will become very small, and not stake much.
you can use the coin control to build new, bigger blocks.
Hey Spider!
Thanks alot for your superfast Support!
Sorry, i am a Noob to this!
How do i use the coin control to build bigger blocks?!
Is there a explaination for this somewhere? Link? Tutorial? Or similar?
I should have made one - knowing this question was coming
on the wallet - you will nedd to change some settings.
click settings, options
a window will open. click the display tab. check the box to display coin control - I would suggest to check the display address - it is nice to see the addresses
your choice - click the display tab and check both of those - or not, your choice.
close that window
now when you go to send coins - you will see an inputs button - click that button
check the list mode - now you can see every coin block in your wallet.
You can sort the blocks by confirmations by clicking the top of that column
I generally leave blocks with 2,000 or more confirms alone - they will be staking soon
now you can start checking the check boxes on the left hand side - to select witch coins you want to send.
- you will be sending these coins to yourself
you will notice that as you select boxes/blocks - the form updates -
what to watch for is block size and fees - yes you still have to pay a fee, even sending to yourself.
when the block size turns red - uncheck a box or two until it turns black again. when it gets to big - the fees go way up.
you don't have to wait for it to turn red - you can stop at any time - pick any amount you want, basically.
once you get your blocks selected click the ok button.
the send coin form should be populated with your amounts.
so now - click on the receive coins - right click on your address, and select copy address
click the send coins tab, and paste the address into the pay to area.
(almost done)
in the amount box, type the amount you want to send - this will be your new block size - I usually select enough blocks to go over my planned block size
then click send.
a few notes
the block sizes you want to make depends on how many coins you have.
if you have 100 lcp - I would just make one block.
if you have 1000 lcp - I would make 2 blocks
just a suggestion.
the bigger the blocks - the less of them you will have, so it will seem like you are not staking a lot.
the smaller the blocks - you will have more - but the sooner you will have to rebuild the blocks again.
I know it sound really complicated at first - but after a few times, it will be easy