This is one step closer to the future of healthcare where our smartphones will be more interactive for personal healthcare. Eventually, I predict that we will get to a time where we will scan some parameter of our physiology (skin tissue, bodily fluid, etc) which will be read into something like our smart phone and then the phone would tell us what we should do: eat, sleep, exercise. And even more specifically what we should eat and what kind of exercise we should do. Of course, as opposed to scanning some physiological aspect which could be... well sort of disgusting... there could eventually be a biodegradable micro transponder that would be ingested and then report back various findings to a health app. So Imagine swallowing some small pill that goes into your body like a planetary probe and reports things back to your cell phone to tell you what to eat or how to exercise.
LRM is one step closer to such technological arrival.
With that being said, they don't need to be a group of individuals with medical background. They can always hire medical experts and do the job that they can't do. Look at those successful companies like ali, uber and others. Ali doesn't own any physical mall or uber, they don't own those cars, yet they are operating like a full-fledged mall or taxis, respectively. It's only a matter of how you see things here.
This is very true. I'm interested in blockchain companies that understand the value added of integrating bleeding edge financial technology where it is needed most. Healthcare is just an obvious sector where blockchain technology can help immensely.
Healthcare industry is really a multi-billion industry and very few people can really afford to avail great services. I hope with this blockchain revolution, it can reach out more people. And LRM can be a part of this change...
the very reason why there are numerous health-related blockchain projects here. they are trying to explore and exhaust the potential of integrating the blockchain system to address healthcare issues that have been pain in the ass for so long no one can remember anymore. this is just the tip of the iceberg. i guess