2,297,853 LUN Circulating Supply
Can somebody from the team confirm that the 2,703,356 LUN is total supply? How are those 400 000 remaining coins be mined?
How will the project pay to contributors and content creators? From Ads?
47,923.12 Ether were submitted in the crowdsale (1 ether = 44 LUN). The initial LUN supply in the white paper indicates distribution of the tokens in the following setup; 78% Crowdsale purchases, 15% Lunyr Team, 2% bug bounty, 5% Marketing/promotion.
78% =
2,108,617.18 LUN (47,923.12 ether x 44)
15% =
405,503.4 LUN (time-locked for 180 days)
2% =
54,067.12 LUN5% =
135,167.8 LUN
100%= 2,703,356 LUN85% of the LUN tokens are circulation due to the time lock of 15% for the Lunyr team.
This makes the total supply for now;
2,297,852.6 LUN tokens.
After the beta release there will be an inflation of 3% per year. The inflation is finite, so eventually there were will be an inflation of 0% (no new tokens). Does anybody at what rate the disinflation is?