I'm tempted to move to Germany and start The MΣCCA in Berlin.. a futuristic cyberpunk bar where you pay with MΣC.
I could see a initial phase where you could pay with fiat or MΣC, but moving towards only MΣC and creating a culture of crypto.
Paper wallets would be awesome for something like that though. And of course an iOS/Android app.
... Make Sure you use the Σ for the E (or else :0) ..
Yes "Zee Germans" are very open to Bicoin.
I think the official term they used to define BITCOIN was AS a "unit of Account". this is the First step toward world-wide acceptance and Berlin has some section/Platz where bitcoin is accepted and traded by many citizens. Perhaps the best way to support this idea is save up your bitcoin and go there for your vacation to see how it is working... I am waiting for the day I can travel on a BITCOIN WALLET Internationally... soon possibly within three years (predictions are dangerous - possibly sooner depending on stupidity of banks and gov's)
here are some more news articles about bitcoin in Germany
recognition as currency.
ButtonWood CryptoTrading in Berlin
And of course, in America it took a criminal to steal bitcoin through a scam for Bitcoin to be recognized as something of value / money...