try this:
watch './bitcoind getinfo && ./bitcoind getmininginfo'
Thanks for the help....
sh: 1: ./bitcoind: not found
good news is the cpus are swamped now- must be doing something.
I had to do a bunch of goofy stuff to get it running- it didn't seem to want to use the conf file default path so I got it running with this:
./bitcoind -datadir=/home/nomullet/memorycoin -conf=/home/nomullet/memorycoin/memorycoin.conf
If I run
./bitcoind -datadir=/home/nomullet/memorycoin -conf=/home/nomullet/memorycoin/memorycoin.conf getinfo
It says "can't connect to server"
running watch './bitcoind getinfo && ./bitcoind getmininginfo' from src folder (same issue I was having finding conf file)
Every 2.0s: ./bitcoind getinfo && ./bitcoind getmin... Sun Dec 15 10:05:17 2013
error: You must set rpcpassword=
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
Well, as the error message says, "You must set rpcpassword=
Yes, I have. I am wondering if there is some kind of issue with my rpc settings... anyone have an example for linux?