dev regarding 60 years is not realisit for people to buy ART. how can we maximize the potential of it?
why not you can still sell your genesi address if you think so! i think 60 years is good time.
Sell it to whom? As you know, it gets more difficult to mine coins as time goes on. Imagine I've bough a Gen address for 100MNE, giving me 10.000 ART. During the first years, let's say I mine 1 ART a day, for a price of 1,2$ a day. After 2 years I will have mined +- 600 ART (720$), and will have made a profit of 220$. At this time, it's already more difficult to mine ART. Now, I only get 1$ a day (IF the price has remained constant). Let's look at it realistically and say that, over the next 58 years, I will mine, on average, half an ART a day, for the price of 0.5$. The total remaining supply would therefore be worth around 4070$. Do you honestly believe anyone out there is going to spend that money, or even 1/10th of that money, for an address that makes half a dollar a day?
what are you even talking about? You just randomly put a price of 1,2 dollars, with absolutely noting behind that statement. None of the math, or non of the statements you make here are correct.
It does not get harder to mine the coins as the time goes on. Not if you buy a genesis dress and get 10.000 as you say. You do absolutely nothing to get them mined, it is as "easy" day one and year 60. You have to separate a genesis dress and public mining, not the same thing at all. So the price that you are talking about of 1,2 dollars, is just some weird guess, that should be extremely undervalued. '
And all of you saying that 60 years is way to long, why? I mean it is a perfectly normal time for something to be mined, I mean look at bitcoin, it will be mined until like 2140 or something. You will most likely make your money back and more soon after the release of the coin, and then you have lots of years after with more coins to have more profit. Furthermore it is a move of genius to be able to sell the genesis addresses, so when you don't want it anymore, you can just sell it, perfect move!