What does "wds" mean? Not familiar with that acronym...
Not entirely sure on this but I think what his mentioning is "Windows DHCP Server" which a DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers. You may read for more information's in this link:
http://www.dhcpserver.de/cms/ That's actually WLBS (Windows Load Balancing Service) which was a software solution that allowed multiple IP's to be utilized within a group/cluster of web facing servers. Basically the software version of a Network Load Balancer. Was mainly used on Microsoft web servers utilizing the 207. range until the DOS attack that brought down
www.microsoft.com for about 3 days around 2001/2002. The software didn't allow for masking of the shared IPs which lead to the DOS attack on the routers in the Tukwilia Data Center. Needless to say they started using BIGIP switches soon after and retired WLBS. The software was created by John Wolferton who worked at Digital/Compaq as a Software Engineer Lead in support of Data Center Operations for the Microsoft account.
Side note, when John left Compaq during the Dot Com bubble he had been attempting to have Microsoft upgrade their network security as the WLBS was only to be a temp solution because of the security issues yet Microsoft decide that the the service was the only thing needed out of the encyclopedia of security issues within the MS infrastructure that John and others within the group pointed out. So on John's final day with Compaq, he used the internal exchange gal to send a mail globally from Bill Gates account stating (speaking as he was Bill), that he was a complete idiot and the fact that his choice, to be a cheap ass and only implement what was only meant to be a short term fix, scoffing at what was truely required, is the reason for the DOS attack, and the fact that a vendor was using his account at this very moment, was justification for him to dissolve his company, let alone the lose of revenue from the site being down and the major hardware and man hour costs that were now needed to rectify the situation. In ending pointed out that a bunch of software designers should in the future, remove their conceded heads from their holier then thou asses, and listen to the people of the company that built, designed, monitored, and maintained their global infrastructure.
After sending the email to global address book at roughly 3:30 p.m. on a Friday, he forced all accounts on the executive exchange server to be locked and set a new common password shut down his workstation, shut down the executive exchange server, as John had also been hosting Microsoft's Executive Exchange Server on his personally owned Compaq Proliant 3000 which he normally used for testing but during the DOS attack, Microsoft's internal intranet had been accessed by hackers giving them free admin level reign. The quickest solution was to create a new exchange server but at the time server hardware was 3/4 weeks out for a new server, so John volunteered his server to be utilized and it was agreed that it would be and that a new system was priority on MS's list, John's last dat was about 6 months after the DOS attack and he had spent the last 2 telling them he was leaving and taking his server when he did. So he loaded his equipment, said his goodbyes to those he wished, turned in his cell and pager, and left for his new engineering position with a startup which required a move for him and absolutely no way for anyone to get a hold of him for the next two weeks, he then sent Compaq an email telling them where he had moved the executive accounts to and explained that all of MS were dumb asses because he set the passwords to "password" and in two weeks the millions of MS employees trying to gain access to the accounts not a single one figured it out.