But what is the constraint today for a DAC social network? The vast amount of information handled is too much for every client to have a copy of the blockchain where social network user data will be stored.
Ive been thinking maybe if a statistical analysis could be run regarding a certain piece of information being stored only in X amount of client/servers, what would be the fallibility rate, regarding hardware, communications, energy and third party failures (government/robbers/others). Therefore the blockchain would turn into some kind of "shamir's sharing secret of blockchains" in which each client/server would not hold the whole blockchain but rather pieces of it, that when, connected to the network, it would be fused as one. If not, we would have to wait until affordable Quantum computing comes and processing/storage data becomes so potent that our needs for information transmission/storage and its costs would be dwarfed by the technology available to handle them.
I don't know how to implement a social network DAC. We should brainstorm that.
Get some deep tech guys to do the analysis.
I don't know if the social network DAC is separate from Mitosis or not ... you might want to merge that.
Try and get some of Bitcoin's core developers interested in this proposal.
Post to the technical Bitcoin threads/forums/mailing lists.