Now the difficulty have increased and to receive daily stakes u need to have around 500-600 coins..
Check u wallet once and see is it fully sync and on the latest block ...
Still MN is not implemented that is not the reason to slowdown
And even if MN is implemented it wont slow down..infact u receive stakes faster ..because all MN coins will be locked so network weight will be less
i reinstall my wallet like 2 times a week because even if it shows full synch its not connected to the past i lost some stakerewards because of this problem so i decided to reinstall it periodically until a new version of the wallet is released.
but its no problem at all because blockchaindownload is quite fast, staking is very very good and the project is awesome
I dont think it was connected that would make sense. Was showing 1 day or a few hours til stake for a week. Also can anyone solve this? I just went to send funds to Stake United. I sent 50 to them and for some reason Monk sent all my remaining funds to an unknown wallet. Here is the TX ID 3b22ebddc0dfd9dff449b9d66c0e58a11670bf76aa3f972168697115b5d22faf and snip Any clue what this could be from? Have no clue what that other address is where my other Monk went to. It is still showing in my wallet but like I said I think there is an issue with it. Kind of afraid to do anything further.
edit -
uninstalled and reinstalled the wallet, moved my DAT file back and it showed I had funds so I sent the rest out. It showed up on the block chain as a new wallet address. Somewhat new at this but no clue how my wallet address could switch. Probably worth it for the devs to look into that. I was at 345 block weight for a week with no stakes before which is why I moved out from their wallet. I feel like there are some kind of syncing issues with the wallet to the chain.