Bittrex email response:
"Unfortunately, we found an unexpected incompatibility between our deposit smart contracts and the MGO token contract. Anyone who attempted to send token to us had their transaction cancelled by the MGO contract. We do not hold these coins as they would never have been sent. We regretfully will be suspending the launch of MGO Trading.
If you have sent MGO to a waves address please be aware we do not support this transactions and will be unable to recove these coins at this time.
Thank you,
Ryan @ Bittrex "
I personally had chat with Richie from bittrex in slack and he told me this 8 days ago.
Mr Richie also mentioned that MGO team can also fix the problem if they can make some changes at their end. I am not tech guy and I do not know whether the issue is major or minor. I am totally disappointed about the issue. Bittrex could not handle or they do not actually care about it
@Jack - Straight up answers,
who is waiting on who here? Is Bittrex waiting on MGO, or is MGO waiting on Bitrex? And most importantly of all,
has Bittrex decided not to list MGO? Please clarify what is the true situation.
It's on Bittrex's end so we can only wait for Bittrex to solve this. What I've heard they've had to change their infrastructure to be able to include ERC23 tokens as they've only been supporting ERC20 tokens to date.
Cleary there were some miscommunication but not sure blaming any side regarding that will help anything.
As for the comment that the MGO team could "change a couple of things" for Bittrex to list is a load of horseshiet. Why should MGO change their infrastructure or something primary within the code just so that Bittrex can get us listed? Other exchanges have added eMGO without any issues and I've told Richie to talk to those guys to see if there is a quick fix for them. The Bittrex team seems stubborn and from my own experience they are lazy. They want to get a lot of volume and
BTC with minimal effort and actual work.
In time we'll surely get listed on Bittrex. Let's just see if any other major exchange adds us before that. With the GameStore launch closing in there's only a matter of time before this explodes and people will definitely want to list us.