ı see as guarantee 10 dolars ın 2 months. started wıth 2 dolar ın waves dex. and 1 week later bıttrex and maybe polonıex wıll add mobılgo. so prıze wıll be up deffenetly. ıf polo adds mobılgo can easly go to 10 dollar also more than 10 dolar
Agreed with you Bittrex will push this up to $5 easily as team is still working on it and have a lot of interesting ideas how to promote this in coming days. This is good signal to buy more while it's still cheap I also hope Poloniex would like to add this coin into next batch.
we are expecting bittrex until now. In near future I think total market cap will attract other larger exchanges. But poloniex!! It may take times. They only enlist certain coins. but if we find MGO there, our next stopage will be on mars. and in that case we may see $20 per MGO. I am not kidding
Not to be negative Nancy but this just seems way out of touch. GAME has been around for quite some time and is on all the exchanges and has hit $5 intermittently then it drops down again. Also, I think GAME and MGO can't help but
be in competition with each other. Both serve their own purpose of course but because there are 2 coins, it splits the money up between them. Because of this, I don't think you'll see either coin overtake the other. Both will sit close to the same price, which at the moment can be up to $10 once the tokens get large publicity and acceptance
MGO was created to do what GAME could never do. GAME does what MGO can't do. They both may work in unison, but they are filling gaps. GAME was never meant to touch gambling/wagering. Strictly staying away from this massive market. It also can't run smart contracts which greatly limits what it can do in the potential esports space. HOWEVER, it is an amazing payment processor. It is built to handle in-game purchases on a massive scale, able to handle tens of thousands of transactions a second using a hybrid on and off blockchain payment gateway. It may seem they compete, but when you actually look at what they are made to do on paper, they don't compete. So from a business standpoint there is no competition.