I like the estimated portion. And please put equation up for the math.
Investment / Distributed tokens = Price per token. Your investment / Price per token = Your total amount of tokens.
$53,069,235/70,000,000 = $0.7581 (Price per token). $1391 (Your investment) / $0.7581 = 1834,85 Tokens.
Does that make sense to you? This would be the calculation
without any discounts.
In this case, if the total ICO value is based on the last day price of the crypto coins they collected, and the distribution is based on the time stamped value, the total amount of the tokens distributed to all the investors would far below 70m. That is to say, the development team will steal the difference from the early investors, even through they have already get 30m for free.
How so? Do you understand the English language or are you just playing stupid?
If you invest $1200 on day A and they take that in to their calculations and state that on day B your investment is still worth $1200, how are they stealing? Your logic is so flawed.
If BTC were to go down to $800, or even stay at $1200 during the time of the ICO we'd never have any of these discussions. Did you even invest?
can you answer me a simple question? How did the team calculate the total value of all the coins they collected? On a time stamped basis or on the last day price basis? It is really make huge difference. Cause if they calculate the value on the last day price basis, but distribute the tokens on a time stamped basis, they would exaggerate the Denominator and shrink the Numerator, therefore a mismatch should occur.
Ofcourse they calculated it off of a time stamped basis. Otherwise it would not make much sense now would it? It's clear as day what the whitepaper says, as I pointed out to you in the post above yours.
In this case, we need a breakdown of the total value. It seems unlikely to add up all the coins to 53m USD if not using the last day price. As you know, the price of bitcoin and ether at the beginning of the ICO is as 50% as that at the close. not to mention that games is only 30%. If I am not wrong, I remember that they have already collect 12m USD before the huge rise of all the coins. That is to say at least one half of their coins are collected at the 30%-50% of the close price. It is hard for me to believe that the value of the other half of the coins equals 41m USD, even based on the last day price. It is really a simple math problem but you never look into it.
Meanwhile, I can not believe they already got the time stamped valuation because ,as they said, the distribution was under an audit , which was in order to get the time stamped number correct.
I don't think they were at $12M before coins started rising. And as you probably know the coins were not jumping straight from $1200 - $2400. It was a gradual increase.
I did some simple math right now and just adding all of the coins now would end you up with over $70M. So yes, I believe they did everything right and each transaction got valued at the time it was sent in.
If you had put real money in this project, you would have find the information from their newsletters easily.
From their official newsletter sent into your mail box, you could find the following facts.
1 BY 4th May, they have collected 10m USD, when the prices of BTC,ETH,WAV and GAME are under 1600 USD, 90 USD, 0.8 USD and 1 USD, respectively.
2 BY 9th May, they have collected 13m USD, when the prices of BTC,ETH,WAV and GAME are under 1800 USD, 100 USD, 1 USD and 1 USD, respectively.
3 BY 16th May, they have collected 18.5m USD, when the prices of BTC,ETH,WAV and GAME are under 1900 USD, 100 USD, 1.5 USD and 2.2 USD, respectively.
4 BY 3pm UTC 24th May, they have collected 53m USD, when the prices of BTC,ETH,WAV and GAME are under 2400 USD, 230 USD, 2.9 USD and 3.6 USD, respectively.
The total amount of BTC is 9,918, the total amount of ETH is 37,037, the total amount of WAV is 1,578,629 and the total amount of GAME is 6,741,175.
Considering the low amount of ANS collected, we can deliberately omit it.
From the above information, it is hard for me to trust the valuation of the total coins at close is based on time stamped value.
Intially i Got 1,011.53 , but now it was only 988.27554481 Mobile Go tokens, where the rest gone,