Anyway, I wish the devs all the best for their GAME/MGO endeavor. I'm not 100% convinced yet tbh.
I guess it all depends on the quality of games the store will receive. So far there are mainly kids and puzzle games on there, if they really wanna tackle the "mobile e-sports" community with MGO they need some high quality competitive titles. Maybe even some exclusively developed for the platform, which take full advantage of the great tech behind.
And only THEN ppl are willing to download an extra Store besides the Google Playstore. Since they can't advertise their store in the Playstore its gonna be interesting how MGO plans to get their message across to the users.
Also there is still the problem of volatility in Crypto. When you get a steam code for 50 Euros, you know u will have those 50 Euros a year later as well. Let's say an average gamer buys GAME/MGO for 50€ and a few weeks later they get dumbed hard, minus 30%. He probably doesnt know what a crypto currency is. All he knows is that he suddenly has less money without spending any of it. Even if u put smth like that in the terms and conditions, u will get TONS of complaints, bc ppl just don't know whats going on ^^
Well thats just my concerns right now, I'm following this project closely.
Good luck devs
Also, this was our demo store. We haven't added any more gamers that will launch on the store in a month and a half. And I can tell you it's easier to get incredible games on a platform when you tell them how much you've raised, rather than tell them we're entirely self funded (which represents the games on the store right now). And even still, we managed to get one of the most popular mobile game developers in the world (Zeptolabs).