How this project differs from Sphere?
A good question and, of course, there are others looking at the space like Steemit.
It would be worth pulling both whitepapers and comparing. Ours is at what is the same. We share the same value proposition: It's time to be the value chain of social media back in the hands of those who do the work. This means the value of our personal data, our activities, our posts and our hard work to make the community a worthwhile place. I think the Narrative team has pushed deeper into how an actual economy works for online community and I think Sphere and Narrative have a distinctly different view of what "social media" is and what's valuable about it. I think we add to the space a vision of how social media can
change for the better. If you want to chase down the nuances here look carefully at Founder Ted's Medium article on reputation It's one of several that spell out a vision for the new content economy.
So the short answer to your Sphere question is some deeply held difference in how social medium works. We intend to change the script not simply redirect the paycheck!
Another key differentiator is easy to miss. The foundation of Narrative is a corporation who have been making community platforms for 20 years. If you check around for Social Strata, you'll see some familiar faces. We have already on the shelf a mature social platform (several in fact) that demonstrate mastery in the space. Building for millions is something we already do.
Infrastructure counts. Add to that the same years of community management for operations in size from mom&pop to multinationals -- and it means you can trust Narrative to pull it off.
Others from the Narrative team will chime in here and I will add more of my thoughts later.
Thanks for the question.