Firstly I apologise that my Sunday update is a little late, I will make sure my next one is on time!
My latest commit can be seen here:
I've begun testing the encryption with live RSA Keys sent back from the random anonymous server. As well as the work you see here, this testing has involved writing new scripts for the anonymous servers to transmit their public keys directly to the wallet and also server endpoints for me to test the decryption with. I don't keep the anonymous code in a public repository for obvious reasons, otherwise I would show you my work there as part of this process so you can monitor my total progress.
I will let you know that I haven't quite got this encryption round trip yet (as you can see by all the qDebug's still in the code). I was hoping to get it finished before my progress report which is one of the reasons why it comes later than usual. I am really close though, one more coding session tomorrow night and I should have this entire part of the system finished and working. Then I can move on to the phase 2 (of 3) which involves the p2p server address distribution.
FYI I've purposefully removed the server's live Private Key I was testing with from this commit so that it's not publicly available.
As well as this, part of my NAV Time this week was spent setting up the bounty and building the new page of the website which can monitor the bounty addresses for the public to see.
Read more about the NAV Bounty here:
I've only bumped the percentage up 5% this week (instead of 10% like previous weeks) as my time has been split between the bounty setup, helping our new developer get up and running and my work on the decentralization project. Still, that puts us at 35%, so we're just over the 1/3 mark which isn't bad considering its only been a couple weeks. I would expect my output to return to normal this week, aiming for 10% progress and moving on to phase 2.
Keep up to date with our project status here:
Sophia has a pretty cool announcement I'm hoping she will be able to make public this week, so keep your eyes open! I'll be checking on the forum to answer any of your questions and I'll see you back here next Sunday with another progress report at the latest!
Talk soon,
Thank you pakage for your weekly update.Its really doesnt matter if update will be sunday evening or monday morning. But its extremely important to communicate with community regular thats why i would like thank you once again. Weekly updates are serious step forward for our project;)
Thank you for your great work and keep it going;)