Nav Cooperation system replace the old group foundation members? Because Supporters + Investors are the same people like in foundation.
Only enter to group changing I mean in foundation was minimal donate 0,05btc and now to be in group supporters need have in wallet 50k nav coins and in Investors group 250k Nav.
So Foundation will be removed and replaced by new better Cooperation system ?
Because now "investors" group discuss & vote on most important NAV projects before foundation members voting and choosing what project need donate.
And adress foundation for donate to pay for extra projects will stay but only members moving from foundation to new group supporters, investors or contributors ? (contributors help with projects and no need have nav coins to working with dev team).
Can somebody explain am I correct or wrong ?
Sry bad english
Yes, I think it's a good idea to fully replace Foundation with Cooperation System. There's a lot of people, which are not active in the Foundation, so we do not really know who we can contact. Cooperation System checks people's holdings every week, so that sorts out this issue.
~ Strugg