Can someone please explain how does NAV work, I have gone thru the OP and have a basic idea.
If I send coins anonymously to my other wallet, they won't be visible on the block chain/explorer? However, would I be still able to spend it / send it to an exchange when needed? The main aim is to keep the funds / coins hidden?
Please clarify and educate me if I have missed something.
Hi mate,
Yes you are right.
Have you read the whitepaper? The infographic will give you a basic idea about it.
Could you tell us about progress of working on web wallet and custom subchains that everyone can setup?
I am not totally up to date with everything. What I can tell you, is we are testing the new wallet, soopy had to fix this merkleroot error some people posted here and we will also include some features, which will make it very more easy for beginners to startup with NAV.
Beside I am working together with a foundation member at determining the webwallet system, so it is also the base for the mobile wallet. We are taking a look into different systems and check, how good they match our requirements and are also "state of the art" . I hope we can post some good news here soon regarding this.
Pakage and soopy are further working at the how you call it "custom subchain" and bring this forward.
Sorry, I can't give you more details for now, because it would lead into false expactations at the moment. But we are moving and we will deliver like always!
hi shahim, thanks for the update.
so we can understand that :
1. new wallet that will fix few stuff and implement new ones : in testing.
2. webwallet : you haven't started yet. more on a lookup on what is already done right now in the market?
3. custom subchains. ok cool.
questions :
1. can you tell us what meant soopy when he posted here on april 10th that an update was ready? it was his last post and 4 days later, no words yet about this.
2. do Nav dev team and foundation are working on a PR/marketing plan?
3. are you aware of anyone in the dev team or a member that is currently developing over the navajo anon? for example a marketplace or other stuff ?
thank you for your answer. holding Navajo and staking like a mofo here
Hi mate,
we have started with webwallet already. we are trying a few things right now, to see if it is possible what we want to have. We started try the top notch web wallet existing ;-) But I have to say .. it is harder then I thought there is already a plan B . So we already are some steps further than checking the market!
to your questions.
1. That is the fixed wallet which soopy is working at. we already have a test candidate, but decided to wait a bit, to integrate some more stuff and not need to update again short after the launch... Basicly it is my fault, cause I cried about that... blame me for this, but we want to have it a bit more perfect.
2. Yes we are rethinking about marketing strategy and strugg already contacted all the foundation members. Beside we are also working and different sides to improve all this stuff. It's a pity things like the newly created wikipedia page got deleted by some wiki sheriffs...
3. I don't know about stuff like this, but I think the foundation will be included and liek said before strugg is collecting ideas. Of course every input is welcome and also needed!! Inside the DEV Team there are some Ideas regarding online payments and so on.