static const int64 MAX_MONEY = 8400000000000000;
that constant declaration does NOT determine the total supply amount. This is a very common misconception that, as far as I can tell, was started by a few people just assuming it was intended to be some magical limiter on the total coin supply due to the variable's name. From there it was published as such in various "how to clone your own altcoin" guides. But the actual usage of that constant is and has only ever been to set an upper limit on how many coins can be included in a single transaction.
I definitely agree that max money is not actual total supply, I just pointed out what its max money supply was (for all i know pow work could end at 1 mil coins and a pos rate of .01 annual). This number has nothing to do with premine etc as you stated, but dev's lack of responding, github and information says theres no need to look farther than the max money supply :p
Speak up dev, eyes move on threads like this.
I'd just like to see people stop referring to this value completely. Bitcoin has actually removed it entirely as they recognized how it has lead to unnecessary confusion. I've actually gotten in arguments with people insisting that it is a limiter to the coin's supply...which is insane, and just goes to show how little they understand.
Again, MAX_MONEY is only a definition of the absolute maximum number of coins that are allowed in a single transaction, disregarding any other limitations. Has nothing to do with supply, premine, total coins, etc. It is by all accounts arbitrary and rather useless as it comes secondary to the constraints of a block's size in bytes and/or the transaction fee limits.
Ahh see now I get what you are saying. I will make sure in the future to not refer to the value. I definitely appreciate the clarification and pointing out the that max_money has nothing to do with supply but transaction limitation.