IXC can be traded on the Stellar platform against Stellar Lumens (XLM) or DeVCoins (DVC) or really actually against any other asset that is on the Stellar platform.
For IXC on the Stellar platform see
http://makemoney.knotwork.com/stellar/ixc/ ( Explorer:
https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/IXC-GBHAQ252S4Z4AQOM4BWIRC3UHAOJIKCZQBUJGD336YH2O7W2NKRXMHA5 )
For DVC on the Stellar platform see
http://makemoney.knotwork.com/stellar/dvc/ (Explorer:
https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/DVC-GBHAQ252S4Z4AQOM4BWIRC3UHAOJIKCZQBUJGD336YH2O7W2NKRXMHA5 )
Someone asked why IXC has been climbing in value lately...
Part of it initially was probably the simple fact that in the
Galactic Milieu IXC is, like many other currencies in the Milieu, a treasury-based currency.
That means the Ixians have a "treasury" of other currencies and assets so that the Milieu can add up the total value of that "treasury" and divide the total by the number of IXCoins that have been minted, to calculate a "value per IXCoin".
A look at the Latest Rates include-file
http://galaxies.mygamesonline.org/latestrates.inc (which by default is denominated in DeVCoins but is formatted for use in scripts to make it simple to re-compute all the values in terms of any of the assets shown or, in fact, in terms of any arbitrary value) is right now showing me IXCrate=557.34637854 meaning that based on the value of IXC's treasury and the number of IXCoins minted, and the value of DVC's treasury and the number of DVC minted, one IXCoin is worth 557.34637854 DeVCoins.
Obviously until someone implements a treasury for, for example, BiTCoin or LiTeCoin or Stellar Lumens or American Dollars or whatever other thing you'd like to compare to, we cannot compute values for those not-treasury-based items, so the figures shown for them are necessarily just current prices on exchanges, probably according to some site along the lines of CoinMarketCap, at the time the include-file was generated.
I see in that same interation of the Latest Rates include-file BTCrate=116691274.10194629 meaning that at the time the file was calculated one BiTCoin was supposedly worth 116691274.10194629 DeVCoins although of course that would tend to change moment to moment at the whims of spot markets such as "exchanges" since it is not based on a "treasury".
It is probably useful to bear in mind that "treasuries" are accompanied by one or more "slush funds" also, if only because we do not count a coin into its own treasury's value. Even if the IXCoin treasury contained any IXCoins, their value for the purpose of computing the total value of the treasury would be counted as zero. Thus the "slush fund", a separate account in which the Ixians can store any IXCoins they happen to own, along with any other "operating capital", "petty cash", assets that are deprecated for "treasury" use such as anything the treasury total value calculation does not take into account (things that are not considered to be "reserve currencies" or "reserve assets" for example) and so on and so on.
Just like my policy of only issuing tokens representing half of the coins I actually have, we are also working toward only having half of a nation, Corp etc's wealth go in its treasury; the goal is to build up the "slush funds" to total at least as much value as the "treasury", so that a nation, Corp or whatever that issues a treasury-based currency can buy back every coin it ever minted using just its slush funds, not touching its treasury to do so. That way when/if they ever do manage to buy back all the coins minted those coins will still have the same treasury-based value they had before they bought them all back.