Just a quick update - we are growing and going strong! - AND I'm going to post some free ads coupons again daily all this week.
- we now reach 250+million page views per month with listings of around 22 bitcoin websites
- we offer geo targeting now - so if you ONLY want USA/Tier 1 then you can target only these geos.
- we offer mobile targeting now - so if you only want to target those visitors browsing from a mobile phone you can.
- we offer "run of network buying" - you simply pick the banner size you want, buy, and your ad will show on all sites in the network with that ad size.
We have STRICT rules on publishers still to guarantee quality:
- only sub 100k alexa rank (with a couple of exceptions with growing sites where we know and trust the owners)
- publishers are only allowed to place 1 ad placement of each size per page - i.e. they can post a 300x250 AND a 468x60 on the same page, but aren't allowed to post 4x 468x60 spots.
- ad positioning must be visible - it can't be hidden away at the bottom of the page where only 1% of impressions will see it - it must be a fair placement.
These rules are to guarantee quality for buyers - so that you can place a run of network ad and just know that it will display fairly on all sites and you will get value.
Ok! So, here are 5x FREE ads codes - they will each give out 20,000 free impressions, BUT Please:
Only post them on either: Bitcoin Aliens, Weekend Bitcoin, or Paid Books (these are my sites and I'm happy to give free trials out, but the other sites aren't ours and those publishers need to earn
AND - please be fair, only take 1 coupon, leave the others for other people to try - I will post 3-5 more tomorrow and every day this week: