We're in the midst of developing and testing, and I myself am in the midst of checking the original distribution list to make sure it's accurate.
We felt that it would be best to take our time and make sure the launch is as clean as can be. Please remember, the original scam IPO started on April 22nd. We're trying to recreate work that NFDCoin had more than two weeks to do properly. His distro list was sloppy, necessitating a full-scale audit of the money part, and he did absolutely nothing to create the coin. I personally have to audit the list, and the entire team has to fork Nxt on our own. We also have to give NFDv2 a good testnet run because we'd rather not use the entire community as alpha testers.
I don't know how long it'll take to fully recreate the month's worth of work that NFDCoin was paid to do himself, but I do know that we're all hard at work. Remember, this is the first coin whose dev team is made up entirely of scam victims. Believe you me, we all have enough reason to see this project through.