@nicehashdev: I think that the profit counting system has a problem. For example at this moment:
X11 19.3508 GH/s 0.6101 BTC/GH/Day
X13 6.2532 GH/s 0.6997 BTC/GH/Day
X15 4.4849 GH/s 0.7123 BTC/GH/Day
X11 is the best profit coin, but nicehash points to X15.
Other example: sometimes when X13 has higher paying rate than X15 but the system also choices X15 as the most profit coin.
So I think X15 profit counting formula is not right. Please check.
We are using our defaults to calculate factors between different algorithms that hopefully suits the vast majority, you can see them in the table here:
https://www.nicehash.com/multialgo/. However, if your per-algo performances are different, you can set your own factors:
https://www.nicehash.com/multialgo/#finetuning. Of course, this means that the currently best-paying algo as displayed on the front page might not be the same as the one that fits your custom config.
Hashing speed hightly depends on AMD drivers version (13.x vs 14.6), sgminer version and windows/linux. Maybe it is time to re-adjust our default factors, so please post your hashing speed here, if we'll get enough responses we'll adjusts the defaults.
For example:
0.85 MH/s for Scrypt
3.75 MH/s for X11
2.80 MH/s for X13
2.50 MH/s for X15