Update on DevelopmentCurrently, our primary focus has been on the web wallet. The first steps into this are making a server that can be ran coupled with the full node to provide an additional api on top of it. Like a block explorer, a server associated with a SPV/Web wallet needs to be able to query not only the UTXO set in real time, but also balances and other information very quickly. To do this, they typically index the information in a relational database. Development on the server aspect has been going well, I'll be looking to publish the work on it to open source fairly soon and then continue development by pushing updates to GitHub. As of right now, there hasn't been much of a reason to open source it without a graphical interface to go with it (after all very few would be able to make use or any sense of a command line application intended to only be used for testing).
As for the interface of the web wallet, we've been going over revisions and few changes. Here's a preview of one of the older mock ups (we're aware of the typo). Keep in mind this is one of the mock ups with on going changes as we've started developing the production version of the client side design, but it's not at a state where it's very presentable screenshot wise.
https://i.imgur.com/gEG0wGI.jpgThe pending changes to this particular versus the actual design that's currently being worked on is changing the color scheme to fit inline with that of the rest of Novus's SFSIs (this is because we'll be looking to integrate those directly into the web wallet itself). Below the balances (where currently it shows BTC rather it will show ATMS or the ticker of the coin related to the server your'e connected to) it will show an
estimate in BTC and USD (fiat settings will be changeable).
From the screenshot, you can infer that coupled with the wallet will be a basic block explorer for convenience. I say basic, because we're not going out of our way in terms of developing the server for the web wallet to do things such as taint analysis to guesstimate wallets like how Chainz does. You'll be able to look up transactions, blocks and addresses related to the coin of the server you're connected to (pretty standard).
Promotional / Design UpdatesIn the coming days, we'll be making a graphical oriented change to the OP and our most up to date road map. Coupled with this, there will be a few updates to the site to reflect where we are currently at in the project and making current information more accessible to users (i.e. relation between afix.io and its sfsi's and novusphere.io).
Thanks for your patience and continued support as always.