
Topic: [ANN] NZL Zealium Coin Masternode, Proof Of Stake. Made In NZ ( Trading Now ) - page 17. (Read 24095 times)

Activity: 202
Merit: 20
Air Drop

Air drop is live on discord now total of 500 NZL will be given away airdrop will last for 1 hour. post your total airdrop worth $425 USD

enter buy dropping you Zealium address in the airdrop channel

30 min left of 1st airdrop
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
Air Drop

Air drop is live on discord now total of 500 NZL will be given away airdrop will last for 1 hour. post your total airdrop worth $425 USD

enter buy dropping you Zealium address in the airdrop channel
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
Download your wallets now and prepare for an airdrop in discord
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
Activity: 364
Merit: 41
Wow , like we really need another fucking masternode coin........................................................................... ......nothing unique here

Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
thanks for the translation offers, we will be in touch.
copper member
Activity: 532
Merit: 0
reserve Chinese translation
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000

Now Trading

Discord Community

Name: Zealium
Ticker: NZL

Algorithm: POS

Total Coins: 80,000,000

Total Premine: 1,000,000 [1.25%]

Block Rewards:
Block 0001 -1001 [1 Million Pre Mine, POW Ended Here].

block 1002-500000 - MN 10 / STAKE 4 / GOV FUND 1

block 500001-1000000 - MN 7,5 / STAKE 3 / GOV FUND 0,75

block 1000001-1500000 - MN 5 / STAKE 2 / GOV FUND 0,5

block 1500001-Infinity - MN 2,5 / STAKE 1 / GOV FUND 0,25

MN Collateral 4,000 NZL

Staking Maturity: 6 Hrs

Block Time: 60 sec

Coins Per Block:
BLK0001-1001 = 1,000,000 (Pre-mined and Zealiums Only POW) coins. POW ENDS HERE!
1002-500,000 = 15 coins
500,001-1,000,000 = 11.25 coins
1,000,001- 1,500,000 = 7.5 coins
1,500,001- = 3.75 coins
Block Rewards:(Reduce in 3 stages)
Masternode Rewards: 10/7.5/5/2.5 coins
Staking Rewards: 4/3/2/1 coins
Governance Funding: 1/0.75/0.5/ 0.25 coins.

Total Supply: 80,000,000

Dice Site Integrated.

Real (Initially Local) Uses Coming.

ICO COIN SALE VIA DISCORD (View #ico_coin_sale)-

DM direct message to speak only with @bassdude or @bitcoinminion regarding coin ICO.
These names are in GREEN writing.

Zealium special thanks to renowned wallet dev @CooleRRSA.

                       WALLET DOWNLOADS.






Masternode Monitoring

Block Explorer

Reddit Sub Forum:


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                   ROAD MAP

Q1 2018: Create Zealium - DONE
Complete Whitepaper - DONE
Create Block Explorer - DONE
Complete Roadmap
Launch Discord Forum - DONE
Launch Twitter - DONE
Launch Facebook - DONE
Create Website - DONE

Q2 2018: Launch Zealium - DONE
Launch ICO - DONE
Exchange Listing - DONE Crex24 & Cryptobridge
Celebrate with Airdrop/s - DONE
List Coin On Dice Site coming soon - DONE
List On Masternodes Online - DONE
Begin Community Involvment - ONGOING
Add To Dev Team ONGOING
Donate A Charity Masternode
Integrate With Local Platform Traders - ONGOING
Integrate With Local Metal Recycling Company - DONE
Update Roadmap - From Potential Community Input
Start Charity Masternodes - STARTED

Q3 2018: 1st Official Progress Report
Continue Approaching local NZ Trading Companies - ONGOING
More Exchange Listings
List On Delta & Blockfolio - DONE
Begin POS Web Wallet Development TESTING STAGES
Integrate With Local Cabin Hire
Charity Masternode Voting/Selection

Q4 2018: Hire Public Speaker
Promote Crytpocurrency and POS technology adaption
Zealium Real World Use Case Competition (bounty)
Android Wallet Development
Make Promo Videos (bounty)
Contact Charity Masternode Winners

Q1 2019: Release Charity Masternodes And Earnings To Winners
Update On Online POS Wallet Progress
Add Zealium To Current New Zealand ATM Machines
Purchase 1 Bitcoin/Zealium ATM Machine

Q2 2019: Install Bitcoin/Zealium ATM Machine
Begin Development Of Crypto Currencey Auction Site

Q3 2019: To Be Announced

Any questions please ask.
Thank you for your time, your trust, your input.

The Zealium Team

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