Oh boy... I'm giving up, such ignorance can't be beat.
So ignorance is to change my figures to your examples so you can understand it better?
Wouldn't it be quicker for everyone (including me) to explain why it won't work (and what your solution is)?
I think I might chuck together a quick php script that can pull some files from a USB stick and hard disk to see how quick it is...
I'll post code and a link...
I have a thought. Instead of mining and getting rewarded from nothing, why not mine from a "global ghost pot" where the coins already exist and the coins that haven't been used return to the "ghost pot" to be mined again. The advantage of it is that you can implement alternative ways to gain Worldo. Such as giving companies "ghost coins" that they can use solely for the purposes of hiring new employees. Any "ghost coins" they don't use that year go back to the ghost pot to be reused This would encourage job growth. If they spend over 90% of their "ghost coins" they would be rewarded by getting X% more of their share of the "global ghost pot" for next year where X is equal to the percentage over 90% they used. So if they use 91% of their coins, next year they get an extra 1% of their current share of the pot. If they use 100% of their coins, they get an extra 10%. The same would work inversely up to 80% so if they use 89%, they get 1% less next year; if they only use 80% they get 10% less next year. If they only use 60% of their "ghost coins" they still get 10% less because it bottoms out at 80%. 10% deduction is the max deduction just like 10% is the max reward.
Like I said, they would receive "shares" of the "ghost pot." What that means is they get a certain percentage of the "ghost pot" they can spend every year. The max for all companies would be 10% so only 10% of the entire "ghost pot" goes away every year. This would prevent the "ghost pot" from ever bottoming out since all the Worldo that hasn't been used in a certain amount of time (1 year for ghost coins and not sure how much for regular coins) returns to the "ghost pot." That way miners and companies will be rewarded indefinitely and no Worldo goes missing on a hard drive that goes to the dump or because a someone decided to stop using their Worldo.