"We are creating a chain of high-tech, fully equipped Paragon centers similar to WeWork®8
We will put them in areas where cannabis is legal, and there is strong interest in cannabis.
This will give start-ups easy access to a network of resources to set up, manage, and grow
their business with the help of like-minded individuals"---white paper: ---
https://paragoncoin.com/whitepaper.pdf💚Join our Telegram:
https://t.me/ParagonCoin💚Join our Slack:
https://paragoncoin.com/slackInteresting, i hadn't heard about WeWork. Can you elaborate on why people in the Cannabis industry should go to you for workspace instead of to a company like WeWork? Could you maybe give an example of the equipment that Paragon center would offer compared to a normal workspace? Thanks.
Thank you for your support, I hope this can help
"ParagonSpace supports several of the main goals of the Paragon mission at once.
1. It offers vital physical office space so like-minded people can work and brainstorm.
2. It supports the ParagonCoin tokens by only accepting PRG in payment for access
to office space and to purchase office equipment, printing and other services,
snacks, and nearly anything else necessary to function in this business
environment. Essentially, it creates a PRG sub-economy.
3. It builds a rock-solid foundation for supporting the value of the currency, making
it very attractive to hold and use for the long-term.
4. It solves a real and substantial office space problem in the quickly growing legal
cannabis industry."
"Examples of typical PRG transactions in ParagonSpace include (but are not limited to):
• Opening doors by scanning a QR code of an active wallet with at least 1 PRG
• Paying for your own and/or guest access. Renting floating or fixed desk space or
private office with PRG
• Printing/scanning/faxing services at ParagonCoin Centers can be paid automatically
with PRG
• Paying for food, drinks, events, and merchandise with simple PRG checkout
• Securing conferences, events, research, and educational space for the legalized
cannabis industry
• Buying time for photo/audio/video studio for product shootings, interviews, podcasts,
• Joining a social club and/or café for ParagonCoin Club members
• Participating in web and in-app co-working, events, and a conference-reservation
system with instant PRG payment"
Thanks Again and best of luck
That is a lot of different ways to say the same thing though. You are renting office space and a printer and some vending machines is all I hear when I read this. I've asked a few specific questions that I would need to be answered before I am comfortable referring this to more investors. What operations will be handled inside these facilities? You hint at research space and product testing but I haven't seen a detailed description. Basically, the purpose of these buildings is whatever anyone wants to do as long as they are paying in PRG? If there is research being done here what levels of security are going to be in place to protect the equipment and products. Waste disposal is also a huge problem here in Las Vegas. Strains that are considered inferior are disposed of in mass quantities and it is expensive to dispose of them within the guidelines of state regulation. So as a way to save a buck, a lot of the facilities that are currently in operation are illegally dumping in the dumpsters of apartment complexes and behind businesses. Love the marketing on this project though.