Also could you add back this: - Add hashrate sum per rig
C:\Program Files (x86)\CGWatcher-1.3.2\phpminer\phpminer_rpcclient>php index.php
08.03.2014 19:12:26: Starting RPC Server at on port 11111
08.03.2014 19:13:15: Incoming data request: test_connection
and then it's die.
Cron seems to broken too:
su www-data -c "php -f /var/www/phpminer/cron.php"
PHP Fatal error: Class 'InfoException' not found in /var/www/phpminer/includes/Db.class.php on line 36
Fatal error: Class 'InfoException' not found in /var/www/phpminer/includes/Db.class.php on line 36
Sorry didn't had time to answer
Thx for reporting, have fixed it.