We are pleased to announce that KickRank, @kickrankagency, kickrank.com is now a registered Campaign Contractor at PICISI.
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/580863620252196864/IjWue-Xj.png Kickrank really kicks it up a notch when it comes to getting the word about for your campaign. This platform provides social media marketing campaigns to get your information out there for potential backers to see. Social media is one of the most effective tools for crowdfunding as it can allow your crowd to grow to viral proportions rather quickly if your campaign is attractive and gets the attention of those who support what you’re trying to do.
In addition to social media, Kickrank will create a press release on your behalf for news release and distribution. After the press release is created, Kickrank also distributes it to large online sources like SBWire, Google News, PR Buzz, and more. This service is not one which is offered by very many crowdfunding platforms and can really get the word out there about your campaign. Good PR or communications pieces like a press release can seriously impact the number of people aware of your project or venture.
If that weren’t enough, Kickrank works hard to get you referrals. Most crowdfunding platforms are set up so that the campaigner is the originator of all social media shares. While this may be great for those who have an extensive list of connections, it is not ideal for everyone. Kickrank will share your campaign with its network of connections and help you jumpstart this social media process and kick it up to high gear.
Backers are what everyone seeks in a crowdfunding campaign but getting their attention can be tricky at times. Kickrank will provide you with a guaranteed amount of backers for every plan with their service. Again, this goes well beyond what most crowdfunding platforms are willing to guarantee their users.
Kickrank also provides a money back guarantee. Their promise is that they will give you a refund should they fail to do the marketing work for your crowdfunding campaign. Combine the guarantee with social media exposure, press releases, email marketing, positive comments, and guaranteed backers and your great idea and you should face little difficulty meeting any reasonable goal.
Kickrank provides you with suggestions about how to set up your campaign and provides you with a campaign optimization report so your campaign is set up to the best advantage right from the onset. Once your campaign is good to go, an email newsletter and social media marketing release, press release, and other features are begun. The features will depend entirely on which plan you choose so be sure to choose the one which will work best for your campaign.
Now you’re wondering how much all of this is going to cost you. Kickrank has several plans available, one for every budget in mind.
The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.
Contractor Name Area Of Interest Target Association With PICISI
1) AhmedAshraf design, vid production, social media Promo & Campaign Contractor
2) damiano digital colorist (videos/short films/video games Promo & Campaign Contractor
3) HNCommunity writer / Referral Agent [needs parental permission for association]
4) Hezron4Shared programmer, web developer, video producer Promo & Campaign Contractor
5) jeffthebaker writer Promo & Campaign Contractor
6) Danielzo writer / Content Director Promo & Campaign Contractor
7) coinking writer / Content Director Promo & Campaign Contractor
8) roslinpl graphic artist / video producer Promo & Campaign Contractor
9) BITSPANISH Spanish translator Promo & Campaign Contractor
10) Bitcoin Explorer Content / Marketing Promo & Campaign Contractor
11) Becky Wilson Writer Promo & Campaign Contractor
12) Ariche Technologies LLC programmer, web developer Promotion Contractor
13) SirLolicon sound engineer making music Promo & Campaign Contractor
14) ranlo editing/proofreading Promotion Contractor
15) MakingMoneyHoney graphic artist and promotions Promo & Campaign Contractor
16) HYPERfuture Referral Agent and writer Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17) Karim Zidaric (@YT) campaign promoter Promotion Contractor
18) Bitcoin Rush promoter Promotion Contractor
19) Bit Whispers Writer Promotion Contractor
20) GSMcoin Graphic Artist Promotion Contractor
21) 101Academic Writer Writer Promotion Contractor
22) KickRank Promoter Pro Campaign Contractor