
Topic: [ANN] PICISI Issued Currency, PI (currency code NUMUS), Available To Buy Now (Read 5018 times)

Activity: 1164
Merit: 1000
Einsteinium Foundation Board Member and Treasurer
Sponsor, Advertiser, & Endorser

In order to better appreciate the varying strengths of the PICISI community we have identified 3 specific levels of support:  

Sponsors are individuals or entities that pay a fee to meaningfully engage with PICISI for a set period of time.  For CCs engagement is expected to be sponsorship of crowdfunding campaigns, but it could also be in other measurable ways involving social media and/or Pi investment.

Advertisers simply pay for specific promotions; they may but are not required to engage the site in any other way.

Endorsers are those who support the PICISI vision and have permit the fact to be publicly known; they may but are not expected to engage the site in any other way.

Based on the above everyone previously identified as "sponsors" have been reclassified as 'endorsers'.  This reclassification allow the supporter to determine the extent of their engagement, and allows us to get a better idea of where our strengths are.   All are welcome to be an advertiser or sponsor here is the rate sheet:

PICISI Admin Team
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI is seeking CAPS accreditation, the Crowdfunding Accreditation for Platform Standards (CAPS) program is an initiative by to promote the adoption of best practices for the operation of crowdfunding platforms globally. Designed to protect both crowdfunders (people pledging or investing capital) and fundraisers (people raising capital), the CAPS program mission is to foster the sustainable growth of the crowdfunding industry to provide much needed capital for projects and initiatives, start-ups and small businesses. Supported by an advisory council of leading platform operators and industry experts, the accreditation criteria will be reviewed annually to ensure high standards for performance continue to be set as the industry develops. Accreditation is granted based on an interview and a review process. Platforms that do not meet the qualification criteria receive feedback, and upon implementation of the recommendations, are able to reapply.

PICISI is a new site with a familiar name because over the past 8 months we have cultivated relationships within the cryptocurrency and crowdfunding communities.

PICISI has 23 sponsors, 20 Promotion Contractors, 12 Campaign  Contractors, 2 administrators, 1 referral agent and an unknown number of micro investors via PI who have endorsed the PICISI mission in varying ways.  PICISI is a name, a plan, a business, a currency, and now a site that will make a huge impact.

Please support our effort to received CAPS accreditation.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI Admin Alpha Testing Now

PICISI is now in alpha testing for 24 hrs, if all works out we will convert to beta with real/live transactions.  Set-up crowdfunding campaigns, give donations using  Stripe's credit card.  Give like a joyous philanthropist. go to

How do I start with Stripe?

Start by creating an account,  which only requires an email address and a password. The account starts in test mode, so don’t worry!

If you are going to work directly with our programming interface, you or your development team will be able to immediately begin working with our API.  (Learn how to create your first payment form You can use our test card numbers to make test payments and check other behavior. You can also create and work with test customers and payments in the dashboard .

If you’d like to use Stripe without doing the programming yourself, you can also do that. You have several options .
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
14 days ago we announced the issuance of PI.

In the first few hours we raised 1% of the amount we introduced to the market, that was a pleasant surprise, we thought it was because the NXT community understood our vision and was embracing our campaign.   To our dismay not long after the initial embrace we received the three-taps-on-the-back to signal that the hug was over.  Since the time the initial 111 units were sold the next 13 days only another 25 units sold.  That was troubling but it caused us to wonder if the community understood or cared about our project.  The project will eventually prove itself but now is the last time you will be able to get Pi at this ridiculously low rate of 117.75 NXT p/ Pi.

So far no one that earned Pi has offered any up for sale, my guess is they are waiting for steep increases, as an individual (not PICISI) I intend on placing  some Pi on the market so that there is always something for people to buy.  The PICISI rebuy policy says PICISI will buy Pi at prevailing rates with fiat revenue received.
That means whatever the prevailing market rate is PICISI will buy at that rate. 

I don't know how long it will take for PICISI to earn fiat, my guess is the earliest is about 35 days from now depending on the site receives and if all goes smoothly in terms of installation.   But when that day comes I could assure you Pi will be priced farrr higher than it is now.

PICISI is raising funds for a very specific purpose -- to construct the site, regardless of the amount raised we will get a site of some sort.  If we don't raise enough for the most desired site we will use the site we can afford to raise funds for the site we want most.  PICISI will not be raising startup funds by selling Pi after the conclusion of this campaign.

Buy Pi from PICISI today or you will be extremely disappointed later.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
We are pleased to announce that The Conspiracy Guy @ConspiracyGuy33, is now a registered Promotion Contractor at PICISI.  


The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
Cool          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor        
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor        
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor  
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                          
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor  
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor  
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor  
18)       Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor  
19)       Bit Whispers                                 Writer                                                 Promotion Contractor
20)       GSMcoin                                  Graphic Artist                                           Promotion Contractor  
21)       101Academic Writer                      Writer                                                  Promotion Contractor  
22)            KickRank                                  Promoter                                         Campaign Contractor
23)       The Conspiracy Guy                      Promoter                                         Promotion Contractor        
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
We are pleased to announce that KickRank, @kickrankagency, is now a registered Campaign Contractor at PICISI.  


Kickrank really kicks it up a notch when it comes to getting the word about for your campaign. This platform provides social media marketing campaigns to get your information out there for potential backers to see. Social media is one of the most effective tools for crowdfunding as it can allow your crowd to grow to viral proportions rather quickly if your campaign is attractive and gets the attention of those who support what you’re trying to do.

In addition to social media, Kickrank will create a press release on your behalf for news release and distribution. After the press release is created, Kickrank also distributes it to large online sources like SBWire, Google News, PR Buzz, and more. This service is not one which is offered by very many crowdfunding platforms and can really get the word out there about your campaign. Good PR or communications pieces like a press release can seriously impact the number of people aware of your project or venture.
If that weren’t enough, Kickrank works hard to get you referrals. Most crowdfunding platforms are set up so that the campaigner is the originator of all social media shares. While this may be great for those who have an extensive list of connections, it is not ideal for everyone. Kickrank will share your campaign with its network of connections and help you jumpstart this social media process and kick it up to high gear.

Backers are what everyone seeks in a crowdfunding campaign but getting their attention can be tricky at times. Kickrank will provide you with a guaranteed amount of backers for every plan with their service. Again, this goes well beyond what most crowdfunding platforms are willing to guarantee their users.
Kickrank also provides a money back guarantee. Their promise is that they will give you a refund should they fail to do the marketing work for your crowdfunding campaign. Combine the guarantee with social media exposure, press releases, email marketing, positive comments, and guaranteed backers and your great idea and you should face little difficulty meeting any reasonable goal.

Kickrank provides you with suggestions about how to set up your campaign and provides you with a campaign optimization report so your campaign is set up to the best advantage right from the onset. Once your campaign is good to go, an email newsletter and social media marketing release, press release, and other features are begun. The features will depend entirely on which plan you choose so be sure to choose the one which will work best for your campaign.
Now you’re wondering how much all of this is going to cost you. Kickrank has several plans available, one for every budget in mind.

The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
8)          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor        
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor        
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor  
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                          
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor  
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor  
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor  
18)       Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor  
19)       Bit Whispers                                 Writer                                                 Promotion Contractor
20)       GSMcoin                                  Graphic Artist                                           Promotion Contractor  
21)       101Academic Writer                      Writer                                                  Promotion Contractor  
22)            KickRank                                  Promoter                                         Pro Campaign Contractor
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
We are pleased to announce that 101Academic Writer @101Writer2015 is now a registered Promotions Contractor for PICISI. 


The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
8)          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor       
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor         
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor 
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                         
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor 
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor 
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor   
18)       Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor   
19)       Bit Whispers                                 Writer                                                 Promotion Contractor
20)       GSMcoin                                  Graphic Artist                                           Promotion Contractor   
21)       101Academic Writer                      Writer                                                  Promotion Contractor                                   
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI Assignment To Create PICISI Article Graphics
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
We are pleased to announce the addition of GSMcoin is a cryptocurrency, a PICISI sponsor and now a registered Promotions Contractor for PICISI. 


The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
8)          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor       
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor         
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor 
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                         
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor 
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor 
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor   
18)       Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor   
19)       Bit Whispers                                 Writer                                                 Promotion Contractor
20)       GSMcoin                                  Graphic Artist                                           Promotion Contractor   
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI Assignment To Create The PICISI Theme Music

PICISI Assignment To Create The PICISI Logo
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI's future is bright indeed, moments ago we were notified that:

1)  A PICISI article was selected to be featured at  Please support PICISIcom and Pi with your 'like' vote here:

2)  We are pleased to announce the addition of Bit Whispers @bitwhispers is a writer and now a registered Promotions Contractor for PICISI.  He contributes content at -- Welcome aboard BitWhispers


The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
Cool          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor       
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor         
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor 
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                         
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor 
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor 
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor   
18)       Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor   
19)       Bit Whispers                                 Writer                                                 Promotion Contractor
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Every day we are personally welcoming new people and entities to the PICISI community it's a joy to see the interest.

Prior to the start of the campaign ranked at about 7M with 17 links, now half way into the campaign, because of that community interest, our ranking propelled to about 3M with 21 links, that's phenomenal.

PICISI's future is bright.

Glad to be part of this!  PICISI has a bright future. Thanks for all the hard work you are doing.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Every day we are personally welcoming new people and entities to the PICISI community it's a joy to see the interest.

Prior to the start of the campaign ranked at about 7M with 17 links, now half way into the campaign, because of that community interest, our ranking propelled to about 3M with 21 links, that's phenomenal.

PICISI's future is bright.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
We are pleased to announce the addition of Bitcoin Rush @Bitcoin_Rush +  is now a registered Promotions Contractor for PICISI.  This means he is able to do assignments for PICISI to earn Pi.

Welcome aboard Bitcoin Rush!

The following individuals have requested to be associated with PICISI to the extent indicated, I will update the OP when new names are added.

           Contractor Name                       Area Of Interest                                   Target Association With PICISI

1)          AhmedAshraf                design, vid production, social media                   Promo & Campaign Contractor
2)          damiano                digital colorist (videos/short films/video games          Promo & Campaign Contractor
3)          HNCommunity                         writer / Referral Agent                 [needs parental permission for association]
4)          Hezron4Shared       programmer, web developer, video producer              Promo & Campaign Contractor
5)          jeffthebaker                              writer                                               Promo & Campaign Contractor
6)          Danielzo                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
7)          coinking                            writer /  Content Director                            Promo & Campaign Contractor
8)          roslinpl                           graphic artist / video producer                       Promo & Campaign Contractor
9)          BITSPANISH                            Spanish translator                                Promo & Campaign Contractor        
10)        Bitcoin Explorer                   Content / Marketing                                  Promo & Campaign Contractor        
11)        Becky Wilson                             Writer                                              Promo & Campaign Contractor  
12)    Ariche Technologies LLC          programmer, web developer                              Promotion Contractor                          
13)        SirLolicon                         sound engineer making music                       Promo & Campaign Contractor  
14)        ranlo                                   editing/proofreading                                 Promotion Contractor
15)        MakingMoneyHoney            graphic artist and promotions                        Promo & Campaign Contractor  
16)        HYPERfuture                       Referral Agent and writer                        Referral Agent & Promotion Contractor
17)        Karim Zidaric (@YT)               campaign promoter                                     Promotion Contractor  
18)           BTCat   (cryptotraders)               promoter                                             Promotion Contractor    
19)        Bitcoin Rush                                 promoter                                             Promotion Contractor                                                                    
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI is a crowdfunding site with a 3-word mantra: ‘Promotion, Promotion, Promotion’. Our goal is to promote the PICISI message, to promote the message of our sponsors, and to promote the message of each of the campaigns at our site. Our intent is to be in a state of perpetual promotion, meaning all day, every day, everywhere around the world. To do this we will create a massive international network of associates to satisfactorily complete PICISI assignments on a regular basis.
PICISI assignments can be as simple as retweeting campaign content to an established fan base, to as complex as website development. Most of our assignments are centered around writing, social networking, and video production. Let’s take a look at 16 real PICISI assignments to get a sense of what PICISI wants and is willing to pay with Pi to registered Promotion Contractors:
• 5 second sponsor video (25)
• 5 min interview of a sponsor (80)
• 30 second PICISI video (100)
• 1 min PICISI explainer video (80)
• badges (5)
• unique article images (25)
• t-shirt graphic (50)
• PICISI logo (30)
Social Networking
• Start PICISI topic at any authorized Discussion Board site (1)
• published PICISI relevant article (min 500 words) at any self publishing site (60)
• articles published by national media sites or national newspaper (200)
• Reprint an PICISI article that was already published elsewhere (2 total max 40)
Interviews  (this i s mainly how the Communications Director will earn money)
• TV interview (or segment) on CF and you mention our site at least twice and provide address. We must have copy for youtube. (50)
• Radio interview (or segment) about CF, you mention our site at least twice and provide address. We must have copy of the show. (50)
• do follow-up story of successfully completed campaign (75)
Pi (NUMUS) is currently valued at $1ea its value is expected to fluctuate from time to time with supply and demand, however since the PICISI issued token is primarily tied to the performance of PICISI it should be relatively strong and stable.

Let's do some business together.

You Are Invited To Join The PICISI Community, We Are: Administrators, Sponsors, Promotion Contractors, Campaign Contractors, Referral Agents, Campaign Organizers, Donors/Contributors, Volunteers and Pi (NUMUS) Investors. 
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
PICISI Assignment To Create Video Showing How To Buy Pi (NUMUS)

PICISI Assignment To Create A "What is Pi (NUMUS)" Infographic
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