What is the point of this pivx fork?
With a lite prefix?
Lite means a light version, but here the collateral for the masternode is increased 10 times.
And there is no trading on the exchange, there is no interest in the coin.
I wonder what kind of premine or instamine?
The main goal of Pivx Lite is to have a coin that is
completely untraceable, similar to Monero.
We will achieve this goal in the next few months with the implementation of a shielded payment method secured by
ARguments of
Knowledge (zk-SNARK) and shielded addresses taken from the Zcash github repo.
https://z.cash/technology/zksnarks/https://twitter.com/PivxLite/status/1287130219652972544/photo/1Shielded address
WILL BE MANDATORY ON PIVX LITE BLOCKCHAIN, as of this post the dev team at Pivx has indicted it will only be optional.
Therefore at the next fork Pivx Lite will become even more unique.
WE WILL ALSO BE OFFERING A FREE COIN MIXING SERVICE ON TOR AND CLEARNET For a detailed comparison of Pivx vs. Pivx Lite see this
https://twitter.com/PivxLite/status/1286676205668835328/photo/1 There was no premine or instamine for developer's benefit.
We are called PIVX LITE because we have 10,450,000 coins outstanding vs. 64,000,000 (estimated due to zpiv being hidden) for Pivx.
And we must say that your are correct, there is very little trading going on at this time, we have done very little to promote our coin and are focusing on building out the infrastructure and security of the blockchain in preparation to release Pivx Lite v2.0 with zk-Snarks.
We believe once the market becomes aware of Pivx Lite the trading volume and price will increase accordingly.
All Great Questions, thank you for asking!
Pivx Lite Dev Team