It still has a following.
A REAL premined coin could be made (premined coin and plus was not really premined because all the coins were not distributed).
To better distribute it and at the same time the method used by clam could be used. Any account with more than 0 bitcoins would receive premined coins.
The difference with clam coin is that clam coin didnt distributed all coins.
You would need to a get blockchain date before I posted this text here to avoid people spliting his coins at multiple accounts.
You could also filter wallets that gave money to wallet X and at some point of time wallet X gave money to this wallet, or other rules that try to filter accounts that are probably of the same user.
The mining could work like this:
You send account to place A.
At the start of the month (every 31 days, since the start of the coin, not from the time you placed the coin at place A), all coins at place B go back to circulation are are allowed to be mined, like the transaction fees, THEN all coins at place A goes to place B.
At all months other than the first, mining is based at coins you have at place B, at first month its based at coins at place A.
You can get back the coins at place A to your walled, but can't get back the coins at place B.
With this method of mining you have more coins to be mined than just transaction fees, you also have mining fees.
PS: All coins are send to place B at the start of the month, to people mine according to the same inflation.