Thanks for the positive encouragement guys/gals.
Nothing too serious, but it is important, so I need to get it out of the way before I can devote more development time back into PMP. Although direct development is currently pending for the time being, indirect development is still continuing. What do I mean by that? Well, because I work in the web development field, I'm picking up new skills and techniques which can be directly transferable to PMP, and the platform that is in planned development for it, so it all ties in neatly together. So some of the things I'm doing now will be able to directly translate to what's in store for PMP. Which in the end will make for a much better platform.
Distribution has never been an issue for me, and despite the current situation, I can still perform mass coin distributions, thanks to the distribution script. We're getting close to the end of this particular distribution phase, however, so the dev team and I will need to discuss the next phase.
So when will you perform the distribution? It's better distributing coins widely to secure the network than just keeping the coins idle.
Well, yes and no. There'll be no more distributions in their current form, but that doesn't negate their possibly being entirely new methods of distribution in the future. There's one distribution left in its current form, but no solid date on that as of yet.
May I know when will you perform the one distribution left then?
Don't see any reason why dev team has to keep the coins undistributed and hold them for so long.