So yes, 1:20 looks very reasonable.
Would you rather have a slice of the watermelon or the whole grape?
I think 2GIVE has some significant competitive advantages that are yet unrealized -- chief among them? This:
The swap of Givecoin 1.0 (GIVE) to 2.0 (2GIVE) is underway!
I am not saying that about 2GIVE, to be clear about it. Don't understand me wrong, but I would rather talk about the technical plans/developments rather than talk about Bittrex as the main argument for the valuation rate.
PMP did not apply to Bittrex (and any other exchange) due to the simple fact: we deliberately decided not to apply to any exchange before we have something to offer, some product ready. In the meantime PMP has been ninja-listed on comkort and lost the main dev twice.