I need about 600 exp to upgrade, it will take a lot of time. Would be nice if you add more quests, it's very helpful, and if possible, a suggestion I let here is achievements, like: interact with X amount of Database, Server, Cloud... Use X energies, Use X Bandwidths... Always with a reward involved.
On higher levels the rewards are higher including exp. Also there are other ways to gain experience.
Some missions are just what you suggest - to interact with X objects. I could add more missions like that, yes.
Not only in missions, I saw like ''achievements'', ''badges'', we see this on many games. Example: bronze badge (100 objects interacted), silver badge (250 objects interacted), gold badge (700 objects interacted)... And everyone that clicks on profile see the badges of this player. When someone gets the badge, earn some rewards too, depending the difficulty to get.
Some names for each badges are interesting too, like: ''Master of Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock'' (win on it X times).
It's just an example, probably you know what I'm talking about.
I understand, yes. Like in the Xbox games for example. Good suggestion. I'll implement that, but maybe after the holidays, because there are some things to fix before that. I'll add this to the ToDo list.