That is correct ekurotvic! Of course the winnings at the moment have one some USD value and then you cash out into PVE. Here is where we will offer some extra abilities in regards to volatility protection or market uptrend. Check our blog post about this mechanisms: or the corresponding section in the Whitepaper
ok, I read it.. it is very good, protection of 72h if price PVE go down. But what if go up? 72h protection also?
If you go on lockdown mechanism, you already by default have PVEs in your wallet. So they will just appreciate in value in regards to the markets in the next 72hrs if, of course, the market goes up. But this is something the player has to decide at the moment of cash out. If it goes down then this is on our end to hedge and protect from the downside.
but... what ever player decide, he/she cannot lose, right? Just can get more...
thx for answer