You want to know more about Qchain?
The FAQ page is up on their website is Qchain?Qchain is a company focusing on building technical blockchain and marketing solutions. We are developing our products on both Ethereum and NEM, as we believe in taking a blockchain-agnostic approach to offer our users the greatest future flexibility, and to also make sure the survival of our product is more independent of the survival of any individual blockchain. Our advertising application will focus on facilitating branded content, sponsorship, and influencer marketing transactions between advertisers and digital publishers or content creators.
What are branded custom content and influencer marketing? How does Qchain fit in?Our marketplace product is occasionally misconstrued as competing with Google AdSense. Our marketplace product is not focused on general display advertising, but instead prioritizes native advertising: forms of advertising that actively involve content creators and publishers. Branded content is original content created by content publishers in collaboration with advertisers. The content is sometimes about the advertising company or their product, but other times, can just be an entertaining piece of content that advertisers decided to fund to build up goodwill with an audience or define their branding.
Branded content can range from written posts (e.g. sponsored posts in The New York Times) to podcasts and videos, to parties or stunts executed in collaboration between a digital publisher and an advertiser. Qchain aims to help publishers that are already reliant on native ads — such as Vox, Gizmodo, and The Atlantic — as well as blogs that may wish to host native advertisements but are under-serviced in the current ad environment.
Influencer marketing consists of paying personalities, celebrities, and other prominent individuals for endorsements. We will focus on targeting Youtube, Twitch, and Snapchat influencer marketing on our platform. Advertisers will be able to easily toggle the kind of advertising they are looking to purchase on the marketplace.
What are Qchain’s utility tokens?We have two tokens, one for each blockchain technology that Qchain interfaces with. The ERC20-compliant Ethereum-based token is Ethereum Qchain (EQC), and our custom mosaic, NEM-based token is XEM Qchain (XQC). As Ethereum and NEM are both respected and rapidly maturing blockchains, we want to give our users the flexibility to choose between two next-generation technologies.
How does an Advertiser or Publisher use the Qchain tokens?Each blockchain will have its own Qchain utility token: the EQC token for Ethereum, and the XQC token for NEM. The tokens are a critical component of product functionality and are the resources used to participate in Qchain application services. In the marketplace, tokens are transferred from advertiser to publisher, e.g. an advertiser purchases pieces of sponsored content on a publisher's blog.
Do you compete with Facebook and Google? Why would someone use Qchain instead of them?No. Qchain is specifically for native ads/sponsored content (e.g. an article on a travel blog paid for by American Airlines), sponsorships (e.g. athlete sponsorships, such as a company placement on an MMA fighter’s shorts), and influencer marketing (e.g. an Instagram celebrity posting about a beauty product). We are not focused on traditional display advertising, and will therefore not compete with Facebook or Google.
What kind of advertisers will actually adopt this technology?Initially, we will be looking at tech-savvy companies and tech-savvy websites with loyal followings. People who are aware of blockchain technologies will be the first ones trying this, and these blockchain enthusiasts will be more aware of differences in Ethereum and NEM. They will be more familiar with the general underlying tech and have their preferences.
Will Qchain be easy to use?YES! There is no need to download a separate application, web browser extension, or other resource. All functionality is provided through our web app. Qchain's user-facing components are optimized for efficient day-to-day usage, while all the heavy lifting is executed fairly and transparently across the decentralized back-end.
When will Qchain be released for public use?Qchain’s products will be released in multiple stages, with extensive testing and user feedback at each stage. Our demo is currently available at: Out of curiosity, why the name Qchain? What does the Q stand for?We wanted to go with a name that was simple and descriptive. We initially thought of naming the company Clickchain, but there are too many "Click" names in ad products, so we thought of going with Qlickchain. Then we decided Qlickchain was too long, and truncated it to Qchain.
The nice thing about having a general Q is that one can pretend the Q stands for something else. Some members of the team pretend it actually stands for Quetzalcoatl or Quixotic.
What are your long term plans?We are building a marketing platform right now, but resulting from our experiences of building this platform, we also have plans to create off-chain solutions to more general blockchain issues, such as transaction disputes and private chain “anchoring” on public blockchains in the future.
Do you have information about Qchain in {insert language here}?For our international communities, we have social channels and discussion groups in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. If you'd like to provide community management help or translation services in a particular language, let us know.
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