As I said I'm quite new to this, is the Wallet being out of sync by 9500 blocks a problem?
My last confirmation was at 19:03 for something that was mined at 15:57
Yes. Your wallet should sync before you mine. You may find out that a lot of those blocks are orphans when you restart the client.
When I started yesterday it did sync and I was ok till about 1am GMT when it started to lag on the sync.. I have'nt restarted anything, but the miner keeps finding blocks and then the older entry in wallet gets a confirm. is that right??
Id say without a doubt that you should restart your wallet and make sure it's synced before you mine any further. To not do so is to risk building up a rather large pile of mostly nothing.
I've restarted the wallet - and its sync'd....
Balance 0.00
Stake 0.00
Unconfirmed 0.00
Number of transactions: 278
What's happened?
You were mining blocks that had already been mined earlier in the blockchain due to being out of sync.
Yeah, don't worry this happens to all of us at one time or another. Horrible to see the coins vanish, but if you get lucky with solo mining always check everything twice because getting lucky is rare.
why does it state 278 transactions but in the transactions tab theres nothing?
Because they were orphaned ... What's worse is getting real blocks and having them bug out and only be worth 1