i have another idea for you as well, you know the Illuminati pyramid on dollar bill?, a picture of that with the hand of god removing the eye and replacing with quark symbol?
But thanks for the suggestions...I'm just gonna keep going till we strike the perfect mix of eye candy and strong message. I want Quark as everybody's wallpaper!
First learn what each symbol represents and do a little bit of research on marketing/advertisements.
You may be in this for the quick buck, but I'm not. I'm in this for the possible revolution. If the face of revolution is cryptocurrency at first, then that's where I am.
I don't care about money. I truly don't care about consumption. If I didn't think crytocurrency was, at least theoretically, a threat to the current paradigm, I would not waste my time with it.
I can't do regular advertising crap to express that...the language need to be strong. I might miss a few times, but I'll get there.
when the equity market starts to get crazy the guys that were trying to flip this will look silly - agreed -