From the desk of Misinformation Much?:
February 22, 2017: Via Slack, Brett Fincaryk, handling PR for Qtum, announces that Qtum is not a scam because PwC handles ALL the accounting funds, and if such were not the case, then such wouldn't be penned because that would open up a law suit against Qtum if they declared PwC was their auditing firm but wasn't the case.
VVVJanuary 11, 2017: Patrick Dai links to an article just published [at the time] on Coin Desk:
VVVHere's a snippet gleaned from the article: VVVPress publishes details about PricewaterhouseCooper's involvement with the Qtum project. Here's a snippet gleaned from the article: VVVCY Cheung, Fintech and Cybersecurity Partner of PwC China stated: "PwC sees enormous potential for blockchain to revolutionize business practices as we know them, and the firm has made great efforts in developing strategic and technical capabilities to adapt existing products and services for the new technology. We are excited to get involved in the era of innovation and help companies capture the opportunities and benefits brought by the new technology. Working with the Qtum Foundation aligns with our goal."
February 22, 2017: In the following, Brett Fincaryk proclaimed that the PwC info was deleted from Qtum's blog so to official release the info, supposedly yesterday with the above.
VVV^^^ The blog post that Brett alludes to and was linked to Qtum's blog consisted of the following in its entirety: VVVFebruary 22, 2017: Our recent involvement in Qtum (a Blockchain project) VVV
I went to attend a meetup of a Blockchain project called "Qtum", which our team is involved in the project management and design of governance structure. Qtum is still in its testing stage but it is a very meaningful project, as Qtum is target to be the first ever Blockchain platform that can link up Bitcoin and Ethereum, the most mature and popular Blockchain systems, and provide innovative tools which help the wider public to develop and use Blockchain applications in an easy manner (e.g., readibility of programs).
Between September 2016, and February 2017, Chun Yin (CY) Cheung and Team Qtum on myriad occasions through press releases (eventually spawning organic news), respective blog postings, forum posts, social media postings, etc., adamantly expressed that PwC is onboard the Qtum project, so why did Brett Fincaryk deemed it prudent to delete Qtum's post regarding what's already public knowledge, with even Qtum's investors formally declaring that such is 100% the case. Said truisms were espoused by PwC, Qtum, and Qtum's Angel Backers to engrain trust in the Qtum project, yet there's misinformation abound in re this one aspect, let alone other accusations over and beyond the Steven Dai/Patrick Dai connection that Team Qtum has failed to address to this very day, some aspects inquired months ago. Team Qtum puts more efforts in calling out any discontent as FUD advanced by paid trolls et al., of which I, for one, am not. It blows Qtum's fuckin mind that some Bitcoiner - ME - dedicated tremendous amount of time researching Qtum sans receiving one satoshi in compensation.