QuestBets is proud to inform her Community of the ongoing Test of the First Blockchain Telegram Based Sports Betting Platform which will end in the next 4 days and Full Launch will be initiated.
During the full launch of the betting platform, participants will be able to create bookings, pay with QST tokens and will be rewarded with Ethereum when their bookings win, also incentives for first-timers will be available and lots more features.
We are accepting review of the platform from the general public to enable us to serve you better while waiting for the release of our website launch.
Visit Bet Platform to have an experience of the platform and don't forget to give a review here Telegram Group
Stay tuned for more information.
QuestBets is officially announcing to our esteem community of a 200 Million Quest Tokens Giveaway!!!
To participate in the Giveaway you can: Send 0 ETH to 0x9d1CdcFE212351ef2F78d53a786444cfcB537374
To claim 300,000 QST tokens and above you can send a minimum of 0.01 ETH.
The Future of Sports Betting is here!!!
Visit Bet Platform to have an experience of the betting platform.
For further explanations visit: Telegram Group