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Running Enemy 1.08 for a couple of days now. I've got 27 GPUs/miners but I had to take one out yesterday. This makes comparing average hash rates harder, but.... My average 24 hour hash rate is up 5% (even without the dead miner). I think (which doesn't happen much) that the worker was about 4% of my hash rate. So my bad math says Enemy 1.08 is 9% faster than 1.05a for the past 24 hours. (I know my logic is flawed, but 1.08 is faster - at least 5%, maybe a little more).
Also I did a day of mining with Enemy108 and my miner hash rate was up slightly but my pool hash rate went down.
I.e. I was averaging 26-34MH/s on the pool which then dropped for the day to 22-31MH/s as soon as I change back the pools zigs and the zags moved up.
...but will try again now for longer because I trust the pigeon. stats for any one interested.
Halfway through my 8th day and a missing a few hours when I was testing different miners and pools.
Plus I always reboot if I have stopped a miner twice.
Small pool so there are big gaps sometimes with payouts
5x 1060 range 26-34MH/s With occational peaks of 48MH/s and lows of 21MH/s
P:80 Core:0 Mem:+500
Workers:92 PoolHash:5.5GH CurrentDiif:20922 PoolFee:0.5%
Total earnings last 1 hour: 54.19144416 RVN
Total earnings last 3 hours: 81.02170904 RVN
Total earnings last 24 hours: 138.3418168 RVN
Total earnings last 7 days: 1083.81127264 RVN
Total earnings last 30 days(full 30 not completed): 1207.78908994 RVN
Payouts since the 18th
27.30388529 RVN 04/21/2018 03:52:02
30.01622246 RVN 04/21/2018 01:56:01
32.4353031 RVN 04/20/2018 15:16:02
34.32391895 RVN 04/20/2018 14:54:01
70.87857887 RVN 04/20/2018 08:42:02
30.7663689 RVN 04/20/2018 03:04:02
32.63654414 RVN 04/19/2018 19:24:01
27.56254686 RVN 04/19/2018 18:50:02
40.01876233 RVN 04/19/2018 17:20:02
32.35321515 RVN 04/18/2018 21:40:04
34.21374237 RVN 04/18/2018 11:36:05
31.45534562 RVN 04/18/2018 09:02:04
30.04951849 RVN 04/18/2018 04:02:02
33.99708355 RVN 04/18/2018 01:50:04
30.03061049 RVN 04/18/2018 00:14:01