You send work shares to the pool, the pool is on the network as 1 "miner." As soon as a block is found, the pool splits up he payment among workers depending on type of share payment (PPS, PPLNS). a block is every minute so you should have coins every minute. Every x Raven you get paid from the pool . The coins are immature untill the network confirmed the coins, as soon as the coins are mature ( confirmed ) they are send to the payment adress you provided. As soon as the coins are mature, they are yours.
As soon as the coins are mature, they are written to YOUR wallet, thus are transparent en for everyone to see on the blockchain. Sending coins over with a private message attached to it, triggers the network to make the transaction, if you don't have any "mature" coins in your wallet, the transaction gets refused and that's the end of it. All the info is there, you just need to proof if you actually own the coins, or that there was a misinformation on the pool, how much you actually are owned.
i'm really not trying to be a dick here, but i am really harsh on the reality. If you don't have proof it's gonna be on you to take the loss and learn from it. there is no holding hands in crypto, you are responsible for every step of the way, without any failsafes, unless you buil them into your security measurements. There is no bank that will retrieve your money if you make a mistake. i make daily backups of my wallet, i check my mining stability multiple times a day, i have my private keys dogtagged, and i have a hardware wallet. and as soon as i see ANYTHING wrong, i instantly move away from the problem at hand. Don't just sit there and expect it to work out in the end, because that is when you get burned.
Right on! All those who claimed to have been ripped off at 3i, they are clueless. If you followed it on Discord, 90% of those who thought the were ripped off have now apologized and realized that they didn't actually lose anything. I got freaked out in the beginning of the payout mishap too. AND, days before the shut down, BigZim asked everyone to stop mining at Threeeye until he could fix the problem. If you stayed, that's on you (even then you still got paid - just the stats were posting wrong, but you got paid your actual shares earned, not what the stats said). I get the confusion, but like Techgtv says, it's on the miner to know what the f@^k they are doing.
Sorry but this is all total f-ing nonsense. You don’t have to send a signed message to a pool in order to “unfreeze” coins. When the coinbase is paid to the pool, the pool distributes it according to miner shares once the block has matured. 3i has no stats so you can not determine from the website which blocks matured. It smells like a classic exit scam. If it isn’t then why are people here saying they were not paid out? This BigZim should come on here and explain himself in plain English. Until he does he is not to be trusted.